Branko & President Channarong Suhongsa

Silver Mongkon
for Sir Branko von Grimsic
given by Senator
Ronravat Chayanuwat
Host and
Gouverner of Ratchaburi Province
during the
Ceremony for Thai National Games 2004

Grandmaster Vichit
blessing Arjarn Branko
by the Statue of Rama 5

Branko, Vichit &
Prof. Payboon

Prof. Prapapat
Niyom, GM Vichit & Branko Grimsic

GM Vichit, Prof.
Prapapat, Prof. Suchitra & Branko Grimsic

Branko & GM
Vichit in his wonderfully Arsom Slip Office

Prof. Dr. Sophon
Puangsuwan, Mr. Narong Tiammek
GM Vichit &
Branko Grimsic